Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Books: What We're Reading While Abroad

Often, what would be a simple task at home is a big, time-intensive process while traveling, and this leaves LOTS of time for reading. (The photo above is a sleeper train from Goa to Kerala). This enables us to read about one book per week on average. We usually just trade for new books with other travelers, but we still have quite a few, very heavy books that we lug around with us. Here is a rundown on what we've been reading while abroad. You may notice Rusty's list is a little longer than Kelsi's, but remember that he went to Law School and had to get through masses of pages, so he reads 2-3 books for every one Kelsi reads.

  1. A Girl Named Zippy (Both)
  2. Twilight (Both)
  3. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller (Rusty)
  4. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand (Rusty)
  5. On Chesil Beach (Both)
  6. The Awakening (Rusty)
  7. The Secret Life of Bees (Both)
  8. Nepal Folk Stories (Kelsi)
  9. The Kite Runner (Both)
  1. Devil in a White City (Both)
  2. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Both)
  3. Into Thin Air - Jon Krakauer (Both - For some reason, Kelsi read twice)
  4. Seven Years in Tibet (Both)
  5. Life in the Far West (Rusty)
Science/Social Science:
  1. The End of Poverty - Jeffrey Sachs (Rusty)
  2. The Making of Modern Economics - Skousen (Rusty)
  3. A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson (Both)
  4. The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins (Rusty)
  5. When Elephants Weep (Both)
  1. A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle (Both - Rusty twice)
  2. The Art of Living - William Hart (Both)
  3. A Theory of Everything - Ken Wilbur (Both)
  4. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig (Both)
  5. The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lahmma (Rusty, Kelsi currently reading)
  6. Nausea - Jean Paul Sartre (Rusty)
  7. Life Ahead - J. Krishnamurti (Both)
  8. Tao Teh Ching - Lao Tzu (Both)
  9. Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert (Both - 2nd time for both of us)
  10. Textbook of Ayurveda - Vasant Lad (Kelsi)


Erin said...

So which ones do you recommend? I know it's not Twilight from an earlier post! I'm always looking for new books. When I first saw the title of this post I wondered how you'd have time to read but I guess there is a lot of wait time on as you travel around.

Denise and Ed said...

It probably shows my ignorance, but I've only read one book on your Historical-Spiritual list, but have read all but one book on your novels. It's easy to see; I read to be intertained.

Denise and Ed said...

I was wrong...I've not read 3 1/2 on your novel list. Which are your favorite?

Jessica said...

Hey guys love your blog

Benji said...

I really enjoyed the short history of nearly everything.