The scenery surrounding the road is lush green and follows the steepest river in Nepal, which is visible way down below. Just when you think you should be reaching the bottom of the canyon, the canyon bottom drops even more. You'd be shocked how you can keep dropping in elevation along a cliff edge following a river forever. We ended up rafting that same river for 2 days where the rapids settled to consistent 3+ with sporadic 4s - no flat spots. We flipped our raft several times, and barely managed to to regroup everyone before launching into the next run of rapids!
We enjoyed the setting and people running the river trip so much that we decided to stay for a kayaking course. Kelsi had never kayaked before, but was consistently doing beautiful Eskimo rolls in the resort's practice swimming pool before Rusty got into the groove and remembered what he had learned from a kayaking course he took 5 years ago. However, as soon as Rusty figured it out, Kelsi lost her magic touch and couldn't roll any more! "Easy come, easy go," Rusty told our instructor, who seemed a little frustrated by Kelsi's regression.
Rusty even succeeded in eskimo rolling while floating upside down in a class 2 rapid section of the river. Kelsi did everything possible to keep from flipping over while going down the river, which generally consisted of paddling forward at a feverish pace the entire time we were on the river. This made the river trip WAY too much work for her, but she succeeded in not rolling over during the river run. Thank goodness!
When we finished our float down the river, we had to hitch a ride back to camp on a farmer's tractor because the local bus drivers were on a strike. The bumpy ride took 25 minutes, with the driver in the front seat between an Australian lady and Kelsi. It's not the best quality picture, but look closely and you will see how hilarious this rig was with all of our Kayaks and the Kayakers piled on top of each other. It was one of our favorite parts of the whole Kayaking trip - experiencing the local "git 'er done-manship" culture.
It was a little unnerving before we were certain what was wrong. Rusty had kind of beaten himself up during the rafting and kayaking, so we thought the cause of sickness could be from so many things including: 22 bug bites on his right ankle, ripping off a fingernail then covering the open skin with super glue (Kelsi had done that before, but we thought that maybe some chemical in the Nepalese super glue caused a reaction), not changing into dry pants for 4 days (Rusty's one pair of zip off pants is also his swimsuit - unlike Kelsi, who always brings spare dry clothes), and drinking lots of sewage in the river water - not intentionally, but it happens when you get thrown out of the boat in a third world country.
However, when we found a kidney stone and read the scandalous news about melamine in Chinese milk, we think that we might have found the cause. Rusty had just drank 1 1/2 gallons of milk purchased in Xi'an, China in one week's time... not his smartest move. We're thinking we'll blame the Chinese milk since that's the hype right now and Kelsi didn't drink any and has no problems. Too many coincidences. Expensive milk!
All the same, it's possible that any number of things might have caused it. Rusty's mom, who has also had kidney stones, pointed out that kidney stones can take several months to form and are often from dehydration. Rusty and Kelsi had hiked Mt. Olympus about a month before heading to China and became fairly dehydrated when they forgot to take sufficient water. So who knows the cause for certain? At least we know why Rusty was in so much pain and it's not some weird virus or bug bite.
I feel your pain son...Remember, it's the pain closest to childbirth and I gave birth to you.
Holy cow indeed! Now you can be the wise old boss and begin stories with "When I was in the hospital in Kathmandu with kidney stones...."
I love reading your adventures! I'm so jealous you got to ride on one of those contraptions we saw in Thailand. I'm glad that Rusty is getting better. Stay safe and have fun.
First of all, I love that picture of the holy cow. It's awesome.
Sorry to hear about the kidney stones. My brother got them on his mission. He was a great missionary but still wrote that they hurt like hell. I'm sure there is no other description.
Wow! You two have had quite the adventure. I can only imagine how scary it would be to get rushed to a hospital in a third world country. I hope you are doing better. Hope to hear from you guys soon.
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